
inviscid flow中文什么意思

发音:   用"inviscid flow"造句
  • 非粘性流
  • 理想流
  • 无粘流动
  • 无粘性流
  • inviscid:    adj. 非黏滞性的;无韧性的;不能展延的。
  • flow:    vi. 1.流,流动。 2.(血液等)流通,循环。 3. ...
  • inviscid flow field:    无粘流场
  • inviscid fluid:    不粘滞流体; 非粘铃; 非粘流体; 非粘性铃; 非粘性流体; 非黏滞流体; 无粘性流体
  • inviscid instability:    无摩擦不稳定性
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  1. Aerodynamic undamping phenomena of structure oscillating in inviscid flow
  2. The calculations of inviscid flows around cylinder are taken as numerical examples which show good agreement with analytical solutions . 2
  3. With the effective parallel computation algorithm , the simulation of complex inviscid flow is finally achieved more efficiently and quickly
  4. Many test cases are calculated to verify the above study . the cases are either real or standard testing models , including multi - element airfoil , wing - body configuration , cone / cylinder missile model and 3 - d high - lift systems , etc . the results of present calculation are in good agreement with experiment data , and show flexibility and accuracy of the approaches . base on the cartesian grids , this thesis has targeted the development and integration of many algorithms and techniques such as adaptive refinement , omni - tree data structure , hybrid grid method , etc . an analysis software and research methods are designed and developed for the steady - unsteady and viscous - inviscid flow complex systems and configuration
    7 .运用上述研究成果和结论,进行了大量算例的实验验证,外形范围包括多种标模与型号,涉及多段翼型、 m6机翼、细长体模型、翼身组合体、两段机翼增升标模、带缝翼和襟翼的三段增升翼身组合体等复杂外形,计算结果均与实验吻合良好,充分说明了本文发展的各种算法、流场求解、网格生成方法的正确性和鲁棒性。


    An inviscid flow is the flow of an ideal fluid that is assumed to have no viscosity. In fluid dynamics there are problems that are easily solved by using the simplifying assumption of an inviscid flow.


        inviscid:    adj. 非黏滞性的;无韧性的;不能展延的。
        flow:    vi. 1.流,流动。 2.(血液等)流通,循环。 3. ...
        inviscid flow field:    无粘流场
        inviscid fluid:    不粘滞流体; 非粘铃; 非粘流体; 非粘性铃; 非粘性流体; 非黏滞流体; 无粘性流体
        inviscid instability:    无摩擦不稳定性
        inviscid liquid:    无粘性液体
        inviscid theory:    无粘性流理论
        inviscid stability criterion:    非粘性稳定性准则; 非粘性稳定准则
        nonviscous fluid, inviscid fluid:    无粘性流体
        a flow of:    连续不断的某事物; 源源不断的
        flow:    vi. 1.流,流动。 2.(血液等)流通,循环。 3.流过;川流不息;(时间)飞逝;(言语等)流畅。 4.(衣服、头发等)飘动,飘拂,(旗等)飘扬。 5.流出,涌出。 6.(潮)涨 (opp. ebb)。 7.出血,行经。 8.充满,斟满,富有。 9.〔古语〕泛滥。 10.来自。 Blood will flow . 一定会流血生事。 vt. 溢过,淹没;使泛滥,使充溢。 flow away 流走;流逝。 flow down 流下。 flow in 流入。 flow like water (酒)源源不绝。 flow out 流出。 flow over 横流,溢出,泛滥。 flow over into 涌入。 n. 1.流,流水,迳流,气流。 2.流出,流入,流动;川流不息。 3.流量,消耗量;流速,流率;生产量。 4.涨潮。 5.〔常 pl.〕 (特指尼罗河的)泛滥。 6.洋溢,饱满,丰满。 7.滔滔,流畅。 8.(衣服、头发等的)飘动,飘拂;(旗等的)飘扬。 9.【医学】月经 (= menstrual flow )。 soil flow 【地质学;地理学】流砂。 a flow of eloquence 口若悬河。 a flow of ten gallons a second 每秒十加仑的流率[量]。 a good flow of milk 丰富的挤奶量。 ebb and flow 涨落,盛衰,消长。 The tide is on the flow . 正在涨潮。 a flow of spirits 精神饱满,兴致勃勃。 a flow of soul 推心置腹,融洽的交谈。 flow of talk [conversation, words] 健谈,善于词令,滔滔不绝。 the flow of time 时光流逝。 a flow of traffic 车水马龙。
        flow in:    three dimensions; 流入
        flow into:    注入于
        no flow:    不出水; 无再流
        with-flow:    正向车流
        conversation flow and flow:    语气中猜得到
        costs flow and work flow:    成本流程和业务流程
        flow cell flow cuvette:    流动贮液槽
        flow rate or rate of flow:    比移值,移动率,比移
        flow rate, flow discharge:    流量
        flow, flow capacity:    流量
        flow-after-flow test:    流量调整试井
        mud flow debris flow:    工程地质及勘察泥石流
        perennial flow (permanent flow):    常年流量;常年径流
        permanent flow (perennial flow):    常年流量;常年径流


        inviscid flowとは意味:非粘性流{ひ ねんせい りゅう}
        inviscid flow перевод:поток без учёта вязкости, поток идеально текучей среды, невязкое течение, течение невязкой среды


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  6. inviscid flow field 什么意思
  7. inviscid fluid 什么意思
  8. inviscid instability 什么意思
  9. inviscid liquid 什么意思
  10. inviscid stability criterion 什么意思


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